domingo, 31 de março de 2013

Who rules the rulers?

IEA (International Energy Agency) - 25 Energy Efficiency Policy Recommendations (2008!):

“Increasing energy efficiency is the quickest and least costly way of addressing energy security, environmental and economic challenges. To help its member countries achieve the benefits of energy efficiency across their economies, the International Energy Agency (IEA) developed (in 2008) a set of 25 energy efficiency policy recommendations for seven priority areas:

  • Cross-sectoral
  • Transport
  • Buildings
  • Industry
  • Appliances and equipment
  • Energy utilities
  • Lighting

The 25 recommendations have received high-level political and stakeholder support, and resulted in increased implementation. In order to reflect emerging priorities, the IEA, in consultation with international experts and member countries, has streamlined and updated the 25 recommendations.
The updated 25 recommendations cover a robust portfolio of policies that member and non-member countries should consider in the context of their energy economies. This portfolio includes policies to cost-effectively increase energy efficiency by establishing market signals to motivate effective action, accelerate the introduction of new technologies, and strengthen and enforce minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for appliances, lighting, equipment and building energy codes. The IEA estimates that if implemented globally without delay, the proposed actions could save as much as 7.6 gigatonnes (Gt) CO2/year by 2030 – almost 1.5 times current US annual CO2 emissions. In 2010, this corresponded to energy savings of more than 82 EJ/year by 2030, or 17% of the current annual worldwide energy consumption.”


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