sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013

My latest cover letter to a job application!

Hi, my name is, well... read the form! 
But I'm usually known by Charlie. 

Throughout a varied career and versatile features, I’ve acquired skills of adaptability that allowed me to adjust myself to unexpected situations and changes in methods, tools and contacts.
I welcome new ideas positively, and in that sense, I'm convinced I will bring more value to your business. I'm sure my personal style, dynamic, autonomous, responsible and outrageously creative, meets the job requirements.

(The two above paragraphs are from my original cover letter! Well, almost.)

I'm always in a good mood, except in the long period of times I'm not. My friends say I must have some kind of extra human battery cells and that I'm always fully charged. My record on "speaking without ending" is 48 hours, including two lunches and two dinners (I’ve skipped breakfast twice!) I truly enjoy communicating and making people laugh, although most of my jokes are entirely incomprehensive to normal human beings because of the high level of intelligence needed to understand them, and, unfortunately, my dearest friends are slow thinkers... 

I'm proactive and a team worker and I love to travel and meet other cultures and ladies. 

My career has been based in office jobs (with a lot of outdoor activities) and part-time jobs in witch (with a broom!) I’ve tried to sell important consumption items to people who were not in any need of the kind of important consumption items I was selling! I also love to write and allow myself to travel to the darkest places in my brain, searching for that degree of insanity that permits me to be one step (maybe one and a half!) beyond the common stupid-fuck.

I’ve know realized that I’ve written the word “fuck”. Normally it’s a word we shouldn’t say but as I’m writing if you don’t appreciate it, you can substitute it for a noisy sharp ‘beep’ and it will pass undetected. 

I’m a very polite person. 

I also mingle along greatly in any kind of event of any kind of organization or even in lower social classes’ gatherings, such as VIPs parties. I don’t remind myself of having any issues with anyone I’ve ever worked with, I’ve always get along fine with everybody, although some professionals I’ve met in my life can´t say the same. I always fulfilled the professional objectives given to me and passed them exceptionally, which sometimes led me to do my boss’s work…

I’m a experienced person in what concerns to living (I’m 39 years old) and I have no idea what so ever of what life’s all about, so I clearly think I’m eligible for the post!

Anything else you'd like to know, don't hesitate, and give me a call!

Yours truly,

Charlie (aka Zeca).

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